- Publishing a book.
- Conducting a funeral service.
- Traveling to Asia.
- Undergoing invasive surgery.
- Spending multiple nights in the hospital.
- Finding my cyst was cancerous.
By chance, a CT scan with tracer fluid had been ordered for
my last visit, a better means for diagnosis than an MRI. The cyst had changed
size – shrunk a bit – and composition. The tracer fluid indicated blood flow in
and out, and Dr. Lin changed the Bosniak rating to 2F, 25%-30% chance of
malignancy. The radiologists recommended waiting another six months, thinking
the cyst could simply collapse. Dr. Lin and his partner, Dr. Daniel Dalton,
said they’d never seen that happen and recommended surgery, which would remove
about a quarter of the kidney with the cyst to ensure there was no spread if it
in fact had turned cancerous. The decision was up to me; I told them to proceed
with the surgery so it can be over and done and my convalescence would occur
during the winter.
The original plan called for laproscopic surgery, using
Intuitive Surgical’s daVinci system. One of my better investments was buying
ISRG stock at $89, so I looked forward to seeing how it worked. Unfortunately,
factors demanded surgery the old-fashioned way, necessitating a 3-5 day
hospital stay. The requirement to stay on a low-dose aspirin regimen due to a
2004 angioplasty complicated the procedure because of the increase risk of
The surgery, performed by Dr. Dalton at Northwestern
Memorial Hospital, took a few hours on December 26, leaving me with an 8-inch
surgical scar held together by 20 staples. A quarter of the kidney was indeed
removed, and Dr. Dalton said the cyst “didn’t look good,” estimating an 80%
chance it was cancerous but adding it looked to be encapsulated. The pathology
report, handed to us as we were leaving NMH on December 31, reported a
“multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma,” grade 1 on the Fuhrman scale. There
was no spread into the kidney, other organs or lymph nodes. If left unattended,
we were told it might grow slowly over time with a minimal risk of spreading. It
was still a good thing to have it out, especially when I was “young” enough and
strong enough to cope with this type of surgery.
Having only spent one overnight visit to a hospital, this five-night stay was a revelation. I came back from the operating and recovery rooms with a catheter, oxygen, devices that massaged my lower legs to avoid blood clots, IV drips for nourishment and generic morphine (the same type used in the messy Ohio execution a month later), a bulb for blood draining and a sore throat from having a breathing tube inserted during surgery. This type of surgery messes up your entire body, most notably your digestive, plumbing and waste-disposal systems. Blood draws and blood pressure, pulse and temperature measurements were never-ending, including at 3:15 a.m. daily. By the second day, I could get up and begin walking again. Solid food – Jell-O, yogurt and other soft stuff – came on day 3. I may have been able to go home a day earlier but the doctor kept me in to ensure there was no internal bleeding. The nurses, without exception but for the one who didn’t secure the bedside panel, causing me to almost fall out of bed after it collapsed at 3:30 a.m., were excellent.
So 2013 is gone and I’m on the mend, which brings me to two
related subjects: preventative medicine and health insurance.
After Janet retired in 2009 and our COBRA coverage ended, I
found a preexisting condition precluded obtaining private insurance. My choices
were a state risk pool, which offered inferior coverage at a fairly high price,
or Janet’s policy from the retired teachers’ association, the same PPO as
before but much higher premiums. From annual premiums totaling about $4,500,
the new total was close to $18,000. Medicare was still four years away.
Going without insurance was never an alternative, of course,
but the investment in this costly medical insurance was well worth it. It
covered an arthroscopic knee surgery in 2012 by Dr. Mark Bowen, one of the best
in the business, which kept me on the basketball court and provided for the
biannual urology visits to monitor the cysts. The insurance paid for itself.
I will conclude with my extreme displeasure about the
ongoing debate about health insurance. I believe most the bills are in, except
for the three follow-up visits with Dr. Dalton. Including my one-hour pre-op
visit but excluding the previous CT scan or doctor visits, the tab comes to
approximately $70,000. Insurance reimbursements are not in yet for the hospital
stay, which totaled almost $59,000, but for the remaining portion my
out-of-pocket is $282.10. I could have paid the full amount if I’d elected to
go without insurance but what about those without insurance without $70,000 to
spend? Who pays for them?
The Affordable Care Act is designed to provide the small
minority of Americans without insurance or severely substandard coverage with
the peace of mind the rest of us enjoy. Interestingly, a high number of ACA
enrollees are those who aren’t old enough for Medicare who have either lost
their jobs and/or are self-employed. Congressional Budget Office studies show
the new mandate will neither bankrupt the industry nor lead to “rationing,”
which in fact is already done. The persons opposing the ACA will give any
number of reasons for doing so but they will never tell you the truth: they are
scared to death it will work.
One last anecdote on the subject, for those who “don’t want
the government running healthcare.” My late cousin, Dr. Jim Nachman, was one of
the foremost pediatric oncologists in the world. On occasion, insurance
companies sent reimbursement checks directly to him, for which Jim would simply
turn them over to the University of Chicago Hospitals. One day, however, he
received a check for approximately $500,000. Now what did I do, he thought, to
merit this type of reimbursement? He found it was for a patient who had undergone
a stem-cell transplant that required multiple blood transfusions. Somebody
keyed each transfusion in as a transplant; the true figure was about $15,000
but the company approved it anyway. Jim then demanded to speak with the
president of this major NYSE insurance company. After thanking him profusely
for his call, the executive asked if there was anything he could do for Jim.
“Why yes,” he replied, “You can make a contribution to my pediatric cancer
research fund.” By the way, that fund lives on, continuing Jim’s great work of
saving children’s lives.